In a joint study, the European Patent Agency and the International Energy Agency report an increase in battery research, in particular regarding flow batteries. The report, Innovation in batteries and electricity storage – a global analysis based on patent data, shows that batteries account for nearly 90% of all patenting activity in the area of electricity storage. (…)
"In addition, other storage technologies, such as (…) redox flow batteries, are also rapidly emerging with the potential to address some of the weaknesses of Li-ion batteries."
As Mr. Yann Ménère, EPO Chief Economist, expressed to : "(Flow batteries) are more stable than Li-on batteries and non-flammable, because the materials are stored in separate tanks. In addition, they are much easier to scale up: unlike Li-on batteries. they do not need scarce and polluting materials such as cobalt. They will not replace Li-on batteries, but offer an important alternative".
More details in EPO's press annoucement