These are exciting times for inland shipping. Green Deals have been announced in Europe for "greening" of transport, with ambitious emission reduction targets in place. Meanwhile, the Corona COVID-19 crisis has turned the world upside down. The future looks more uncertain than ever, but one thing for sure, there will be a recovery, and it will be a green recovery. Green inland shipping will play a prominent role.
PortLiner is proud of its achievements so far and thrilled by the challenges we see for the future. We invite you to be part of our journey, towards sustainable inland transport along rivers and canals. Portliner will not use the grid, and will be selfsupporting or is connected with windmills or solarparc. The Energy Storgae Pontoon is the best sollution for storage of Energie and delivery back to the grid. can be scaled from 2MW/8MWh till 200MW/800MWh. Also Portliner received from Lloyds Register LABEL A certificate for the project. this certificate declares that the vessels will sail without pollution. 100% zero Emission.
(see by news button the Lloyds register statement)
Our aim is “zero emission” inland shipping, deploying all-electric vessels equipped with flow batteries. PortLiner’s battery recharging strategy allows for additional battery deployment in electricity markets, as well as for mobile off-grid applications. PortLiner has identified flow batteries as a perfectly viable alternative for inland shipping, without the downsides of lithium-ion but with the upside of operational efficiency and competitive operational and investment cost.